Food4Thought is a commentary on the ethics of eating, food justice and contemporary ideas on food democracy as well as recipes. Did I just say the same thing three different ways?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Natasha's Fruit Salad

While I was in Jerusalem, my old buddy Natasha (we have known each since we were 12 and attended the Vienna International School, where we sat next to each other for 3 years in middle school home-room - but that's another story) whipped up this amazing salad, the secret ingredient - tahini! I have been home 10 days now and have eaten it daily.
Fruit of choice - strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, banana, plum, peach - chopped into bite size pieces
favorite plain yogurt (I use goat yogurt)
a few spoonfuls of tahini (I but it raw, not toasted)
raw honey - mine came straight from the honeycomb)
nuts of choice
The combination of the yogurt with the tahini makes an amazingly delicious sauce!
A note on tahini - it's a powerhouse seed, packed with vitamin B, E and A - it's also 20% complete protein and thus a better source of protein than milk, soy and most nuts. It also has a high level of methionine, an essential amino acid as well as lecithin which helps to reduce fat levels in the blood. It is an excellent source of calcium - claimed by some to be the best source of calcium, even over milk - and, it's not mucus forming. Eat up!

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